Emergency Care

in Fort Worth, TX

World-Class Pediatric Dental Care with a Gentle Touch

Sunny Side of the Street Pediatric Dentistry is pleased to offer emergency dental services to young patients in Fort Worth, TX, and the surrounding communities. Our pledge to you is that we will do everything possible to provide prompt relief while ensuring your child is comfortable and free of stress. You can count on us for state-of-the-art, gentle care.

Happy boy after taking his immediate emergency dental care

What Constitutes a Pediatric Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is a situation requiring immediate care to save a tooth, relieve dental pain, treat an infection, or stop bleeding. Dental emergencies include a knocked-out tooth, oral infection, a persistent toothache, severe bleeding from the mouth, or a loose, chipped, or broken tooth.

If your child ever experiences a dental emergency, make sure to contact our office immediately. We are happy to offer same-day emergency appointments to get your child's oral health back on track. If, however, your child experiences a dental emergency outside of our office hours, please call our office for guidance.

Note: If your child experiences a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 for immediate assistance.

How Can You Avoid Dental Emergencies?

Prevention is the best way to keep dental emergencies at bay, so encourage your child to brush and floss daily to lower the risk of tooth decay and cavities. You can also help your child maintain a healthy smile by limiting sugary foods and drinks and avoiding hard foods and candies that can chip or damage a tooth, providing an entryway for harmful bacteria. If your child is involved in contact sports, we recommend wearing a custom sports mouthguard to lower the risk of damage to the teeth and gums.

It's also essential to maintain your child's routine dental exams and cleanings. Dr. Tyfanni and her team at Sunny Side of the Street Pediatric Dentistry will ensure your little one's smile stays in tip-top shape.

What Should You Do in a Dental Emergency?

The following are some things you can do in a dental emergency:


If your child has a toothache that will not go away, try to floss gently around the area to dislodge any trapped food or debris. Have your little one rinse with warm water and use a cold compress for soothing relief.

Cracked or Chipped Tooth

If your child chips or cracks a tooth, collect any pieces and bring them with you to your emergency appointment. Meanwhile, have your little one rinse with warm water and use a cold compress to relieve any discomfort.

Knocked-Out Teeth

If a baby tooth is knocked out, we don't recommend reimplanting it to avoid damaging its permanent replacement. If, however, your child knocks out a permanent tooth, pick it up by its crown without touching the roots. Gently rinse it and try to return it to its socket. If that's not possible, place the tooth in a container of milk to keep it moist. Time is of the essence. A knocked-out tooth has the best chance of successful treatment when addressed within an hour of injury. 

Bleeding From the Mouth

Place gentle, firm pressure using clean gauze to stop the bleeding. If, however, your child has heavy, uncontrolled bleeding, call 911 for assistance or head to your nearest emergency room.

Dislodged Tooth

A dislodged tooth is one that's partially removed from its socket. Dislodged baby teeth typically heal on their own. However, permanent teeth will require emergency care.

Tooth Abscess

An abscess is a pimple-like bump on your child's gums that indicates an infection. Contact us immediately because a tooth infection left untreated can cause complications, including pain and fever, and may spread to other areas of the body.

Emergency Pediatric Dental Care Near Me

If your child experiences a dental emergency, contact Sunny Side of the Street Pediatric Dentistry for immediate assistance. Dr. Tyfanni and her team are fully prepared and equipped to provide the needed care to restore your child's healthy, pain-free smile. You can count on us to be there when you need us the most! We invite you to call our office to schedule your child’s appointment or request one online today!

We proudly serve young patients in Fort Worth, TX, and the surrounding communities.